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Campaign Photo Shoot


The end of an era

Featuring my graduate collection Letters To... "Cliffside" is a memorable campaign style photo shoot, documenting the entirety of the finished collection and bringing closure to this labour of love.


Each outfit is the physical embodiment of a letter written to different addressees. Fashion meets typographic design in this playful yet sincere project, which serves as an advocate for annotated garments through the development of textile typefaces. The letters are addressed "To my Siblings", "To the News", "To my Future Self", "To the Neighbour", "To a Friend", "To Grandma", and "To God".

Direction & Styling:   Lily Mergard

Photo & Video:   Saën Sunderland

Model:   Bella Rose

Asst. photographer:   Reuben Mergard

Asst. MUA:   Gabrielle Mergard

Date:   2022

A letter to the News...
A letter to the Neighbour...
A letter to my Siblings...
A letter
to my
A letter to my Future Self...
A letter to
a Friend...
A letter
to a
A letter to my Grandma...
A letter to
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